Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Smacking Children

Is the U.K government correct to legislate against beating of children by parents ?

Yes they are, I think they should make a law to stop beating children by their parents. Because beating is not the way to teach or to make the child learn from his/her mistake also, beating will harm the child physically and psychologically.

Should the Welsh Assembly legislate against smacking ?

there is a different between beating and smacking, beating will harm children badly while smacking may make children cray and may not. Therefore, It's not necessary from Welsh Assembly to legislate against smacking.

How much do government rules depend on which society a person lives in ?

I think the rules depends on the society where a person lives in, if there a violent society were parents beat there children there must be a strict rules and if there a usual society where everything is normal the government reduce the rules in this area.

 Wich parts of the UK laws regarding physical punishment of children by parents do you agree with? why?

I don't agree with any physical punishment and I don't find it a good way to teach or to let the child learn from it. Because if the parent punish the child physically the child will not learn from what he/she did wrong it might give a negative influence on the child for example the child will be afraid from other people.   

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