Friday, 21 March 2014


Welfare in the UK 
 Nowadays, every person dream of a welfare for himself and for the family; welfare have some positives and some negatives. In some way people come to the UK from foregone countries for working; there is a new law in the UK for EU migrants. According to BBC NEWS (2014) "European migrants coming to the UK will have to show they are earning at least £149 a week for three months before they can access a range of benefits." Therefore the UK citizens would feel that they are less important than others; because they are the local people and some people come from other countries to the UK and they receive the same rights and benefits as a British citizen. Also, the retirement age would increase in the future According to Beattie (2013) "The Government had already announced the state pension age will rise from 65 to 66 by 2020, and to 67 by 2028. These dates will not change." As a result, people will work longer and they have to suffer more ti receive their pension after retirement. Another problem is the annuity people will have to wait longer until they receive there pension to pay all there annuity and it could lead to some problem for people. According to Mustoe (2014) "Many pension savers were, and are, unaware they could get an annuity from a firm other than the one that managed their investments, and shop around as they would with a savings account or mortgage." Therefore, the new bill would creates some problems to the citizens and the foregone people as well. 


BBC NEWS (2014) EU migrants must earn £149 a week to claim benefits. Available at : ( Accessed date : 21/March/2014 )

Beattie, J. (2013) George Osborne set to raise retirement age to 70 in 'work until you drop' bombshell. Available at : ( Accessed date : 21/March/2014 )

Mustoe, H. (2014) Annuities: What now for retirement income?. Available at : ( Accessed date : 21/March/2014 ) 

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