Friday, 21 March 2014


Welfare in the UK 
 Nowadays, every person dream of a welfare for himself and for the family; welfare have some positives and some negatives. In some way people come to the UK from foregone countries for working; there is a new law in the UK for EU migrants. According to BBC NEWS (2014) "European migrants coming to the UK will have to show they are earning at least £149 a week for three months before they can access a range of benefits." Therefore the UK citizens would feel that they are less important than others; because they are the local people and some people come from other countries to the UK and they receive the same rights and benefits as a British citizen. Also, the retirement age would increase in the future According to Beattie (2013) "The Government had already announced the state pension age will rise from 65 to 66 by 2020, and to 67 by 2028. These dates will not change." As a result, people will work longer and they have to suffer more ti receive their pension after retirement. Another problem is the annuity people will have to wait longer until they receive there pension to pay all there annuity and it could lead to some problem for people. According to Mustoe (2014) "Many pension savers were, and are, unaware they could get an annuity from a firm other than the one that managed their investments, and shop around as they would with a savings account or mortgage." Therefore, the new bill would creates some problems to the citizens and the foregone people as well. 


BBC NEWS (2014) EU migrants must earn £149 a week to claim benefits. Available at : ( Accessed date : 21/March/2014 )

Beattie, J. (2013) George Osborne set to raise retirement age to 70 in 'work until you drop' bombshell. Available at : ( Accessed date : 21/March/2014 )

Mustoe, H. (2014) Annuities: What now for retirement income?. Available at : ( Accessed date : 21/March/2014 ) 

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Poverty & Crime

Poverty & Crime in the UK

There is a link between poverty and crime; this is one of the very big problem nowadays in the UK. There is a video clips about riots in the streets in London and in other places and it is all over the news. They stand against the law and against the police and they destroy the shops and the cars in the streets and they burgle the houses; because they are poor people they do not care about other people and they do not have any thing to lose. According to Harney (2011) "Poverty and crime may need to be addressed by state intervention but not by the same means. Society needs to address slums and homelessness not because they are, so one argument goes, breeding grounds of crime, but because a civilized society should simply do so." The government should understand what they want by doing their actions and they should figure a solution to avoid riots. One solution is to help the poor people to find a job and then they could work for extra hours to receive an extra money therefor, there will be less crimes because they will be busy working just to get extra money and they might be useful in the community. 


Role of press

The Role Of The Press

press have a sensitive place in the society they have the freedom to write about any issue in the society. In addition, they the news up to date for us; also, they shows us what is happening in the other counties. The press and journalist plays a big role in developing the country by their news attraction. They use many methods to deliver their news to people such as, newspaper, magazines, radios, TVs and books. The journalist have more freedom and they are protected from the law and they could write what they want in the newspaper; it does not matter if it was true or not. According to Rusbridger ( 2011 ) " Reporters need to know that they will be protected from the threats and immense costs that are often involved when people seek to stop daylight being thrown on their affairs." Unfortunately, some journalist use this protection and interfering in people's personal life and bothers them this is the negative thing about journalist besides the rumors. 


Rusbridger, A. (2011) The importance of a free press. Available at : ( Accessed date : 20/March/2014 ) 


Homelessness ( Cause and & Effects ) in UK 

Homeless is a person who's without a house to live in and without an income. Homelessness is a huge problem nowadays and it is getting bigger and bigger and it is a very serious problem; it could damage the appearance of the country. There are many causes of homelessness for example, war could be one of the causes. Also, a couple may have problems between each other and they decide to break up this could lead one of them to be a homeless and this will effect their children if they have. Another cause might be for the children when they turn to 18 and over they decide to make their own life and start a new life by leaving their parents house. According to Wilson (2013) "We know that statutory homelessness acceptances are rising and there are signs that rough sleeping is increasing in key areas such as London."

One solution is that the government should build more hostels to homeless people and the should make them to work there as well. For example, the homeless people will sleep and eat for free for the first few months; However, they will have to work to pay their accommodation and so on. Another solution is the government with the help form the military they could build a military camp and they will teach the homeless people how to use the weapons and they will have military courses under the supervision of officers and they will receive an opportunity to serve their country and they will have a monthly income. To evaluate this solution has a negative impact; the homeless people could uses their knowledge in using weapons in a negative way outside the walls of the camp. They could revenge from the people who made them in this situation in the first place.


Wilson,W. (2013) Homelessness in England - Commons Library Standard Note. Available at : ( Accessed date : 20/March/2014 )

Youth unemployment

Youth Unemployment in the UK

The young people are the future of any country and if any country has a youth employment it has a serious problems. In the UK According to British Youth Council ( 2014 ) " Only 6 out of 10 young people are optimistic about whether they will have the job and career they want in the future."   

Therefore, it is a very serious problem that the young people in the UK are without a job. The young people would think that there is nothing to live for or there is nothing to wake up in the morning to do. As a result, the youth unemployment become desperate and they might become deviating.

One solution is, the government should afford educational courses for youth who's unqualified and without a certificate to teach them and give them the opportunity to have a job. To evaluate this solution could cause some problems. For example, it may cause the government a large amount of money.


British Youth Council (2014) Youth unemployment continues to increase. Available at : ( Accessed date : 20/March/2014 )